Sunday, November 30, 2014

Just thinking about my "child of many Rosaries", my Mary Theresa(I often call her Tee.) I was on bedrest for about 1/3 of my pregnancy with her. I almost miscarried her so many times!

She doesn't sleep well, has never slept well, and has at times been a trial. However, she is also a very loving child, and has her own distinctive (and oft stubborn) style. She is very precious to me, and interestingly enough, I see so much of myself reflected back at me from her. I'm told that she is a lot like me when I was young. Like me, *but different*, because obviously, she's not me. <---How's that for profundity? Ha! She is very original. I don't see in her that tendency to try to copy others' behavior or styles...she just had the hair stylist chop off most of her long hair, at a time when most adolescents her age are growing it long, no bangs. Then we went to Uptown Cheapskate and she picked out a leather jacket and sleek black shades. Very cool she was. I have to be the voice of reason and remind her that she is extremely farsighted, and she'd better wear her REAL glasses, most of the time. Because I'm the Mommy, that's why.

She is an artist, that I can see from the time and effort that she spends on her drawings. She has a tender heart, I can see that from the tender ministrations that she gives to Miss Whitney, our cat.

To be continued...

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

 Musings 7/9/14 by Carol

11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. 

   Today is the first day of the rest of my life. (I know, I know, you seventies children, myself  included, the song actually goes, "Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life.") I am working Step 12 currently, Step Eleven was huge. I felt myself coming into my own. Does anyone out there know what I mean...the it's ok to be me, at times it's fantastic kind of feeling???!!!! I know that the program extends on into infinity(ie, we aren't done at Step 12), because we aren't perfect. You know what that says to me? You mean it's this good now??? What's it going to be like later?!?
   Don't get me wrong, I have studied and lived spirituality long enough to know of long dry spells without consolation, but hey, I *know* about that, and can talk to a good spiritual friend about it. I can mention it in Confession and get graces to withstand some aridity. I can seek for what I have learned through my trials, for there is good meditative fodder there.
    Back to Step 11...what did I do? I answered the questions in the Al-Anon book, "Paths to Recovery--Al-Anon's Steps, Traditions, and Concepts." I prayed. I pulled a lot from my Catholic faith, and some of the reading that I have done in the past. A peasant replied to St John Vianney once when asked about how he prayed, "I look at the good God, and He looks at me." That phrase was ever present in my mind as I worked that Step. How simple. How *perfect*! As simple as that??? Well, life being what it is, it never really is quite that easy, but ya know what??? I'll take it. My life has so much more meaning now. Nothing is in vain. Nothing.